Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 3: Orchard Park, NY to Ludington, MI

Our longest day yet! Out by 9am, made it through the Canadian border crossing without incident. Flew through Canada, reveling in the fact that Mary finally napped in the car, but lamented that I couldn't shout it from the virtual rooftop since we were "international" and our cell phones wouldn't work. And, yes, Canada deserves air quotes.

Once back stateside we stopped at a great park in Port Huron for an impromptu picnic and to let the kids run wild and free (we caravanned with The Framingham Bowmans throughout the day.) After a leisurely lunch we scooted across Michigan, stopping only for gas and a bathroom break, then again briefly when all hell broke loose in the Odyssey and we had a double meltdown that could not be resolved with Meg driving and trying simultaneously to soothe Mary while Jim tried reasoning with an overtired hungry and irrational 4-year-old. Thankfully we had just an hour to go.

A birds-eye view of the ride during a Cheerio break. Thank God for Cheerios.

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